Write about Anything you know “well”

So this could be the shortest piece yet if it weren’t for the 500 word thing.  Someone once described me as “a person who didn’t even know what I didn’t know”.  To which I responded, “I don’t understand”.  Honestly it made me quite mad at first and then it made me quite scared.  What if she was right.  I then I decided that she just didn’t know me very well and she needed a reason to create distance between us.  It worked, that was the last time we saw each other.  I imagine she has passed away by now, RIP.”

Since that day I have been resolved to always declare that “I know nothing”, like Senior Master Sergeant Hans Georg Schultz.  While this has relieved some of my internal pressure to know things it has not been a high performance job interview technique.  Thank God for all the jobs he has given me without interviews.  Once hired I do well, I love to solve problems, look for new solutions, use materials at hand rather than buy new ones.  I am good at smiling even when others aren’t(this can be a bit dicey at times, but works about 60% of the time)
Anyways I am not writing about ignorance today, for a change.  Today my topic is fear.  Yesterday I read that we think fear of failing inhibits our dreams, but in fact the problem is fear of succeeding.  The logic being that if we fail in a new dream path, we stay where we are.  Where we are is what we know, expect in my case because I don’t anything.  If we take the steps we know toward our dream then we will arrive at a new place, if we dream about a new place.  A place we don’t know and a scary place maybe. This scared me a little.  Personally I kind of like fear, pain not so much, but fear is exciting.  I like success even more than fear, see pain statement.  Generally I am even good with change without success, provided pain statement remains true.  This may help explain the last 50 years, of my life and quite possibly the last 2000 years of mankind.  On the scale of eternity both time periods are equal, however success and the non existence are not equal other than in the shortest of time scales.  
In all fairness to myself and mankind we have had many instances of great success, lets not get into the points of pain here.  All the same I do believe we can do better.  We must do better.  Part of doing better may be in seeing the pain of the present state, thus pushing us toward a better dream.  This might explain the high degree of negativity in politics today.  Or it could just be that our political system is just very negative. As stated previously, I know nothing and avoid pain.
I think the solution lies more in the dream, of the unknown or the known.  A person who grows up seeing their parents and people around them living a certain way an dream of that future for themselves with much less fear than a person who has only seen others from an untouchable distance live that way.  Why is the lottery so popular?  All the fun of the dream without the pesky fear of change.  And when is change the most fearful?  When we are not sure of ourselves.  We need to have our foundation of who we are solid.  With a good foundation we will express our good in the change.  With a foundation of “bad” (you define that as you will) we will express this in the change.  Sorry about returning to politics again.  Thankfully something I know so little about, although that is such a vast area.
Unfortunately I am afraid politics has become so corrupted because so many of the good people have jumped in, got burned and jumped out. And we need to correct this.

Author: calciati

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