Sticky Stories, 250 words or less

Sticky Stories


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A call for memorable sermons

To Love and Serve others well is our mission .  Sharing our experience, knowledge and time  

Jesus showed us God’s love by feeding the poor, healing the sick, and telling stories to the people He met.  He didn’t give them canned tuna or Coke a cola.  He didn’t give them  Chemotherapy or Sun Screen.  He didn’t talk about spaceships or Dinosaurs.  These words, things, were not known to his audience.  He gave them bread and fish.  He gave sight to the blind and legs to the crippled.  He told the stories of Shepherds and families.   

At this point it should already be clear that I will not always be super precise or exact in the words I use. Clearly Jesus did not “Give legs” to anyone, I don’t think you will find references to a person with 3 or 4 legs’, Although statically there may have been one or two on earth during his life. But it is written that he helped people who could not walk to walk, which is kind of like giving someone legs….

Time is short, lets share what works well.  I have heard many sermons, lectures and stories that have really had a positive impact on my life…..and then there have been others…..whose only memorable attribute is that they were rather unremarkable to be polite. 

Easy to remember and retell to others. 

I am creating a collection of stories on what makes sermons meaningful, memorable and available for quick spontaneous sharing.  Add your stories here.  Say 100-250 words? 

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