To believe or not to believe

Like most people I want to know the truth.  If I am following the wrong God, or just a puff of Smoke I want to know.  At the same time I don’t want to miss something, just because I have never seen it before, or my friends haven’t seen it yet.
I want to be Ready

Maybe “wrong” is not the right word.

It may seem odd to start with the “wrong” word considering the topic, but in a very real sense “wrong” is the best word.  It is probably the word that pops into most people’s minds when we hear someone make a statement we don’t agree with.  Yet in another sense it may be a bit harsh, as I claim what I believe and why I believe so, rather than claim it as an indisputable fact.  If I am wrong, or rather incorrect then I want to know and I would ask to be corrected.  I love God because I have painted a beautiful picture of God.  Someone who constructs a different definition of God could quite logically have a different feeling toward God.  I find that both beautiful, scary and liberating at the same time..Are we not free, or are we robots? Are we not free, We are DEVO….opps I may have dated myself.